Monday, November 7, 2011

Inertia Trick


Materials: Small piece of cloth and and water bottle with any amount of water.

Step 1: Place the bottle of water onto the cloth.
Step 2: Drag the cloth carefully.

[Video coming ASAP. It's being so stubborn at the wrong time.]

Explanation and What I Learned:
The water bottle in the trick stayed in place when the cloth (acts as a conveyor belt) was being dragged. The liquid in the bottle resists the motion, so the bottle stayed in it's place as the cloth moved horizontally.

It would have definitely been better to use a conveyor belt or rolling band in place of a simple cloth. The cloth made the trick not work as well as it should have.

Applications/Where you might find the studied principle
You can observe this act of inertia at the grocery store when you place your items at the checkout conveyor belt. Place a bottle horizontally and notice what it does.

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