Members of Group: Ashley Morrison, Robbie Hinojosa, Matt Kohler
Progress Check #1:
This is the model of the cardboard chair we're going to make. The measurements of the seat itself on the model are 10.8 in x 4 in x 4 in.
When we scale those measurements by 4, we get the measurements of the actual chair we are going to make. Those measurements will be 43.2 in x 16 in x 16 in. We then found the surface area of those measurements, which came out to be 3276.8 inches squared. We then converted that to meters squared and came out with 2.1 meters squared. The minimum surface area has to be .10 meters squared, so 2.1 meters squared will be the perfect size. Now to gather the cardboard and glue......!!
We've gathered more cardboard than we need for this project. First, we cut up the major parts of the chair. The seat, the frame (which also acts as the legs), the arms, and the back of the chair.
First, we cut out the seat and the front of the frame. Both were measured 43 x 16 inches. Then we cut out the back, which was the biggest part. That measured out to be 43 x 32 inches. Then we did the arms which were 32 x 16 inches. All major parts were assembled with GLOBS of white Elmer's glue. Random items around the house were used to stablize the glued parts as they dried overnight.
Oreo the cat helping us measure where the cuts needed to be made.
Ashley showing Robbie what needs to be done.
The seat and back of chair are cut out.
Figuring out how we are going to glue it all together.
(Matt is contributing, he's just taking pictures!)
Now all we need to do is stabilize underneath the seat, and add reinforcements. (SO. MUCH. CARDBOARD!)
We gathered THICK pieces of carboard and folded them as best we could. We cut up a strong, small box, stuck it underneath, and added the thick little pieces of cardboard into that.
That was what we used as our main stabilizer. Then, all that was left to do was layer. Layer tons and tons of cardboard for pristine support! We added pieces to both sides, the back, under the seat, the very bottom of the chair, and used thick reinforcement pieces on most of the corners so the chair would stay up.
The long piece is 8 pieces of cardboard in one, so we used it as a main support.
Figuring out where to glue everything.
View of the chair from the other side. On the seat, there are also 8-piece thick pieces of cardboard on the edges to stabilize the top of the seat as well.
We layered this piece up underneath for awesome support!!
Underneath the seat -- completed. The white line is a large glob of GLUE drying. Frustrating as can be.
This is our diagram of all vectors of the chair.
Captions say: (courtesy of Matt Kohler)
"Hey dawg. I heard you like force vectors, so I put some force vectors on your force vectors so you can force force vector vectors." "May the Force Vectors be with you."
What We Learned!! --
1. We learned what it takes to support a person. (Even if we might not have accomplished it.)
2. We learned that the more material (cardboard), the sturdier the chair was.
3. We learned that design and planning are key. You can't just FREELY do this type of project. You have to direct yourself in order to make a sufficient (or somewhat sufficient) chair.
4. We learned that a group makes the work a LOT easier.
5. We learned that the mass is an important role in the making of the chair.
6. We learned that CORRECT measurements help A LOT.
7. We learned more about how to make an awesome, correct Free Body Diagram of all the vectors.
8. We learned that projects like this take TONS OF TIME and you might not have a life for a little while and you might lose sleep while staying awake doing this project.
9. We learned what "watching paint dry" and "watching the grass grow" feels like by literally watching glue dry.
10. We learned the reason why NOBODY makes real chair out of Elmer's glue. Because Elmer's glue sucks at holding things together. You have to glob that stuff on there, no doubt.
11. We each learned what it takes for each of us to lose our temper and freak out over this project.
12. We learned how important this project was when we nearly threw up everywhere because the chair almost broke and didn't hold up.
13. We learned that the mass of the PERSON sitting on it matters too. Ashley sat in it and it did not break. However, Ashley is 100 pounds. Mr. Goodman is more than 100 pounds, so the chair might react differently with him on it. But we don't know yet!
14. We learned that looks are important as well as quality in the chair.
15. We learned that we never ever want to see another piece of cardboard ever again. We don't want to see another bottle of glue either. They are now haunting.
16. We learned that some principles in physics are actually pretty easy and not as hard as we thought.